Calliope River Men’s Shed just keeps growing

Article by Calliope River Men’s Shed. Originally Published in Shed Chatter April 2023 Edition

A new year and another AGM at Calliope River, and it is time to reflect on the shed’s successes in 2022 and look forward to further growth in 2023. Roy Marek is continuing for another term as president, capably assisted by Paul Howkins serving as secretary/treasurer.

It is certainly a shed for all seasons; members are kept occupied sharpening mower blades for a local contractor during the summer months and then bundling up firewood for sale during winter. Between those projects and the sale of raffle tickets at IGA on Saturdays, the shed finances are in good shape, and therefore we do not have to mention the Garden Gate Project (it is a long story or is that time?).

Membership keeps growing, and so do the facilities. Completing the shower/toilet block and adding the morning tea shade area last year ensures our infrastructure and membership will grow together. A significant improvement in the workshop is the addition of 3-phase power. Thanks to the shed electricians, we now have some great industrial-sized equipment connected to give a quality finish to the big projects.

With the help of grant funding, the Calliope River members are now keenly awaiting the delivery of a Lucas Mill to prepare timber for both the shed’s use and sale to others. With community assistance, our stockpile of logs has continued to grow since this photo and members of the “chain saw gang” are looking forward to the day of easier timber milling. If other sheds are looking for slabs please get in touch or drop in for a visit. We are open Tuesday and Friday mornings, and the shed is very easy to find on the northern fence line of the Calliope Historical Village right on the Bruce Highway.

In fact, the shed attends the very popular markets at the Calliope Historical Village, and it is a great outlet for selling products as well as some good PR with the community.   Also, the Calliope River shed has a great relationship with the nearby Rio Tinto alumina refinery, and they have given us a Telehandler to recondition for our future use.  The refurbishment of the Telehandler has provided an activity to the mechanics amongst us, and we are very close to seeing that running again.  Coming up in April, Rio Tinto has invited us for a site tour and morning tea, which even sounds more attractive than playing around with engines.

With a couple of new faces on the Management Committee, the Calliope River Men’s Shed will get the new year rolling with a raffle of a Garden Seat made in the shed and can look forward to more timber sales with the arrival of the Lucas Mill.


Flexible Funding Grants are closing soon.


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