
Members can list items for trade here. Please email and include a description of your item, a photograph, and contact details. Ads will be removed after 4 weeks, or once we are advised the item is no longer available.


GIVEAWAY Surplus Machinery

Logan Village Men’s Shed is giving away the following items:

  • Durden Machinery, Universal Pacemaker Woodworker,  1.0 hp,  multi purpose Type  MESB51/25P ,2850 rpm, Router/ Saw/ Lathe.

  • Large Table Saw capable of 1800 mm sheets.

  • Wood lathe (no longer available - it has found a new home!)

For more information or to arrange collection, contact Logan Village Men’s Shed or email

Note:  Transport of items is the recipient’s responsibility.


For Sale

FOR SALE: 3-phase Robland Planner/Thicknesser

DETAILS: The machine is equipped with spiral cutters, which provide a smooth finish and operate quietly. Although it is an older machine, it has been used minimally since the spiral cutters were installed.

PRICE: $1250
SELLER: Burrum District Community Men's Shed, 17 Steley St. Howard. Pick up only.
For more information: Phone (Rob Gregory) 0418 184 048.