Building community connections at Killarney

Originally Published in Shed Chatter December 2023 Edition

Nestled in the picturesque town of Killarney, the Killarney Men’s Shed has made a positive contribution to the community since its establishment in 2021. Opened officially in July 2022, the Shed operates within the grounds of the Killarney Memorial Aged Care (KMAC) facility but welcomes all members of the Killarney community, extending a warm invitation to interested women as well.

Situated 190 km southwest of Brisbane, Killarney boasts lush greenery, stunning mountain vistas, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. The shed’s location within the Killarney Memorial Aged Care facility is symbolic of its commitment to community inclusivity, as it remains open to all.

At the heart of Killarney Men’s Shed is a mission to build a network of individuals dedicated to adding value to the community.

Their mission statement centres on sharing skills, identifying areas where the community can benefit, fostering a harmonious atmosphere, caring for each other’s wellbeing, and creating a beneficial environment for everyone.

The Shed has a diverse range of ongoing and completed projects, from crafting bird feeders and bench seats for the Aged Care facility to restoring antique furniture and constructing street libraries. They have also put their skills to use, raising much needed funds for the Shed by selling kindling as well as running fundraising barbecues, which have been a popular hit at local markets.

Current projects on the go range from woodworking endeavours such as constructing jigsaw tables for KMAC residents to refurbishing planter boxes and creating raised plant gardens for Aged Care residents. Additionally, the shed collects recyclable materials. Plans are also afoot to instigate a dedicated Women’s Shed space.

The Shed is not just a place for wood and metalworking; it’s a hub for skill-sharing, community support, and friendship-building.

They have an open-door policy, and they invite interested individuals to drop by on Mondays or Fridays from 9 am for a chat over biscuits, tea, or coffee.

Killarney Shedder points the way to kindling sale

Shedders working an outdoor bench for Aged Care.

Successfully completed projects on display.


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